
Political Demands

Current political demands of Berlin based and national associations/networks drawing attention to the dramatic situation of artists.


ZTB - Zeitgenössischer Tanz Berlin e.V. (Contemp. Dance Berlin Association)

11.05.2020 | First signatories of the appeal of the federal and state associations in the fields of music and performing arts
Link  (in German only)

03.04.2020 | Press Release of the Berlin Associations and Networks: Off for Berlin Emergency Aid Program - Now the Federal Government is called upon!  
Link  (in German only)

15.03.2020 | Open Letter to the Senate Department for Culture and Europe
Link  (in English)


TanzRaumBerlin Network, ZTB e.V. & Tanzbüro Berlin

07.05.2020 |Policy paper: Return scenarios for the work & event business in dance
Link (in German only)

06.04.2020 |Open Letter: "Crisis and structures - what happens to dance in Berlin?"
Link (in German only)

20.03.2020 |Call for an urgent implementation of the first measures of the Round Table Dance
Link  (in German only)



07.04.2020 |National evaluation survey for dance and statement
Link (in German only)


Koalition der Freien Szene (coalition of the independent arts)

13.09.2020 | Open letter Corona consequences short-time work money ALG II (in German only)

20.06.2020 | Survey of the Coalition of the Independent Arts on the effects of the crisis on the art and culture sector - participation until 19.07.2020

05.06.2020 | Press release: Abandoned - The Corona structural programme of the Federal Government
Link (in German only)

02.06.2020 | Fifth Open Letter to the Berlin Cultural Administration and Cultural Policy to suggest a scholarship program as a crisis bridge
Link (in German only)

27.04.2020 | Fourth open letter to Senator Pop, Senator Kollatz, Senator Lederer and the members of the House of Representatives
Link   (in German only)

20.04.2020 | Joint appeal together with the branch associations regarding the open funding by sector
Link (in German only)

06.04.2020 | Third open letter to Senator Pop, Senator Kollatz and Senator Lederer
Link (in German only)

25.03.2020 | Second Open Letter to the Senator for Culture and Europe Dr. Klaus Lederer
Link  (in German only)

16.03.2020 | First Open Letter to the Senator for Culture and Europe Dr. Klaus Lederer
Link  (in German only)


Deutscher Kulturrat (german cultural council)

28.04.2020 | "We need to talk! How can the Independent Arts Scene be helped now?" (A contribution by Stephan Behrmann)
Link  (in German only)

06.04.2020| Federal government's aid package for the self-employed: Cultural Council demands corresponding share for the cultural sector
Link (in German only)

30.03.2020 | Federal Competence Centre for Cultural and Creative Industries presents first economic analysis
Link  (in German only)

26.03.2020 | National Cultural Infrastructure Fund necessary!
Link  (in German only)

19.03.2020 | Federal government's aid package for the self-employed: Cultural Council demands corresponding share for the cultural sector
Link  (in German only)

11.03.2020 | Cultural Council demands emergency fund for artists
Link  (in German only)



Open letter from freelance artists to the Federal Government and the Commissioner for Culture and Media
Link (in German only)

Open letter and position paper of the Initiative Kulturschaffender in Deutschland
Link  (in German only)

"Corona Emergency Aid - Change Restrictions on Solo Self-employed and Freelancers!"
Link  (in German only)

Advent of an unconditional basic income
Link  (in German only)

Petition of the dancers in Lower Saxony
Link (in German only)

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