
Sasha Waltz & Guests: Repertoire-Workshop

Dates: July 15-28, 2024

In this 12-day repertoire workshop, you will not only learn the concept and choreographic material of the piece but also practice this structured improvisation in a group under the guidance of Sasha Waltz & Guests dancers and official "In C" tutors.

Please find here more information about the piece „in C“  of Sasha Waltz:

And here about the workshop:


professional dancers


July 15-28, 2024

6 days per week

From 10 AM to 5 PM (including warm-up and breaks)



Holzmarktstraße 33

10243 Berlin

Fee and Registration

The participation fee is 360 euros for the entire workshop.

If interested, please send an email with your CV to Emilie Guérin:

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